Germany my Germany, you may be a harsh mistress at times but I wouldn’t have you any other way. Some people think you cold, Germany, mistaking your strength and pride for hostility - but they have not seen your inner warmth. Your people, so friendly, always ready to make it better easier and clearer - efficient. Some people even think you ugly, because you lake the fine sun-blessed curvatious scapes of that poster child brazil, but i would not have a hundred brazils for but the one Germany. What has brazil compared against the softer curves of your exquisite wine regions, against the almost timeless history I see in you, Nothing! And so we have shared many a time full of hidden pleasures and surprising delights.
What more, indeed...
Alas my Germany, you and I are just too different. We were close once but we have changed, grown apart. You want me to conform, to give myself over to you, your systems, completely surrender, and I am just not ready to make that sort of commitment right now. Australia accepts me for who i am, with a carefree grace that easy charm. And so i will return to my companion of many years Australia, though grateful for the times we have had together. I have missed Australia’s natural beauty, and uncomplicated living. How I long to again work those wide open plains, to be cradled in the comfort of those familiar mountains, to rest in that penetrating warmth. No, it is with Australia that i belong; But you will always be special to me Germany, always be a part of me, always.
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